Sunday, March 5, 2023


In the beginning of our trip to Cabo, I was presented with a perfect rose. It was lovely, full, well-shaped and very fresh. Someone took care to cultivate and raise the very best. It was placed in a glass  vase and graced the dining table in our suite that over looked the Sea of Cortez.

We arrived a bit tired and stressed from the pressures of work and life. My husband is in sales and everyday his paycheck depends on his performance and stamina when he hears, "No thank you."

Many of the sales people are so geared to work and sell each day, that it was difficult to put the phones aside and just face the five days of leisure while ignoring the urge to check in on new clients and to make sure all of their equipment was functioning.

Little by little relaxation took a grip and we were all in. We began to sense the wisdom of this rest: this disconnecting.

More at ease. More present. Full of positive vibes, energy, and inner strength from above. We emerged ready to embrace and to give out to others once again.

Just as on our first day, this pure white rose stood in all of its beauty but as time passed it actually increased in its fullness and charm.

The ebb and flow of life is what brought that about. 

Tide in, tide out. 

Sunrise, sundown.

Laughing, crying.

Giving up, trying.

Newborn to elder.

Alone, together, alone again.

Working hard on four cylinders, resting, reflecting, playing, relating, and planning the next steps ready to get at it and see familiar faces once again.

Starting to walk about with a new sense of fullness until it is time to draw back and refresh again.

Song of Songs 2:1 TPT

I am truly his rose, the very theme of his song. I'm overshadowed by his love, like a lily growing in the valley!

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