There will be wars and rumors of wars...
Matthew 24:36
36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.
According to a map I was sent by AM BEST Company in an insurance magazine we received, it documented 19 disasters due to wind, snow, and rain in the year 2010. Also on the world map are symbols representing high risk areas for insuring that are called natural and man-made hot spots. These problem areas are risky due to wildfire, piracy, terrorism, political unrest, major earthquakes, volcanic activity, flood-prone zones, drought, probable storm paths, and major fault lines are plotted over the whole Earth. It is important to the insurance industry to know these things, since they have to accept the risk for policies held by individuals.
I never realized that all these events were followed so closely and documented by this group of people. When I looked at the areas of piracy it is quite a coincidence to find that they are centered along the same lines of latitude around the world. Mexico and Central America, on the borders of Columbia and Brazil, the Caribbean, off the coast and all through Central Africa, Malaysia, Cambodia, and Papua New Guinea.
Another stunning fact was that most of the natural disasters were sent to the United States or Europe this past year. That really makes me think that there is a definite design in those events. Record breaking cold temperatures and snowfall in Europe that killed so many. Hardest hit with flooding, tornados, fires, and hail hitting mostly countries that are a democracy or that have freedom of religion.
If my radar is telling me the truth, I would say that we are getting warnings of a magnitude through this onslaught that we should have our spiritual house in order. We need to be praying for revival of our own hearts, as well as the revival of our country from the grass roots up through the government. Then pray for the world. Pray for those missionaries who labor in danger zones that many will receive Jesus as their savior!
We need to be sowing and reaping more now than at any time because we are running out of time. Even world leaders in Israel, say that it will not be long... not even many years until all out war in the Middle East will break out. It is a miracle that Israel has stood strong with so much fighting, terrorism, and pressure from all around it since it reclaimed it's statehood!
The signs of the times are upon us. Do not be idle. Open your heart up to God to be the funnel from him to all around you through whatever gifts he has given you. If it is in speaking, then speak; if it is in raising money, then raise money for the kingdom; if it is in writing, then write whatever and where ever God opens your mind to do this. If you are a psalmist, let the songs flow out to the congregations.
The body of Christ needs to be strengthened by the fresh winds of the Holy One upon us. We need to walk, breathe, eat, sleep, talk, sing, and move always in this fresh anointing each and every day. There are lost souls all around. We have to care about their destiny. We have to be his hands and feet today. Today is all we are promised. Live it like it is your last before we walk out into the rest of eternity.
This is a little heavier than my other blogs, I realize. I just had such an urgency today to write and this is meant to be encouragement that will motivate us out of our slumber. I am the first to hear and heed this warning. I want to push myself out of my comfort zone and on toward the heart of God. Blessings!
Matthew 24:36
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
According to a map I was sent by AM BEST Company in an insurance magazine we received, it documented 19 disasters due to wind, snow, and rain in the year 2010. Also on the world map are symbols representing high risk areas for insuring that are called natural and man-made hot spots. These problem areas are risky due to wildfire, piracy, terrorism, political unrest, major earthquakes, volcanic activity, flood-prone zones, drought, probable storm paths, and major fault lines are plotted over the whole Earth. It is important to the insurance industry to know these things, since they have to accept the risk for policies held by individuals.
I never realized that all these events were followed so closely and documented by this group of people. When I looked at the areas of piracy it is quite a coincidence to find that they are centered along the same lines of latitude around the world. Mexico and Central America, on the borders of Columbia and Brazil, the Caribbean, off the coast and all through Central Africa, Malaysia, Cambodia, and Papua New Guinea.
Another stunning fact was that most of the natural disasters were sent to the United States or Europe this past year. That really makes me think that there is a definite design in those events. Record breaking cold temperatures and snowfall in Europe that killed so many. Hardest hit with flooding, tornados, fires, and hail hitting mostly countries that are a democracy or that have freedom of religion.
If my radar is telling me the truth, I would say that we are getting warnings of a magnitude through this onslaught that we should have our spiritual house in order. We need to be praying for revival of our own hearts, as well as the revival of our country from the grass roots up through the government. Then pray for the world. Pray for those missionaries who labor in danger zones that many will receive Jesus as their savior!
We need to be sowing and reaping more now than at any time because we are running out of time. Even world leaders in Israel, say that it will not be long... not even many years until all out war in the Middle East will break out. It is a miracle that Israel has stood strong with so much fighting, terrorism, and pressure from all around it since it reclaimed it's statehood!
The signs of the times are upon us. Do not be idle. Open your heart up to God to be the funnel from him to all around you through whatever gifts he has given you. If it is in speaking, then speak; if it is in raising money, then raise money for the kingdom; if it is in writing, then write whatever and where ever God opens your mind to do this. If you are a psalmist, let the songs flow out to the congregations.
The body of Christ needs to be strengthened by the fresh winds of the Holy One upon us. We need to walk, breathe, eat, sleep, talk, sing, and move always in this fresh anointing each and every day. There are lost souls all around. We have to care about their destiny. We have to be his hands and feet today. Today is all we are promised. Live it like it is your last before we walk out into the rest of eternity.
This is a little heavier than my other blogs, I realize. I just had such an urgency today to write and this is meant to be encouragement that will motivate us out of our slumber. I am the first to hear and heed this warning. I want to push myself out of my comfort zone and on toward the heart of God. Blessings!
Babe, how incredible, What great insight. I whole heartly agree with you. Yes we need revial and yes it is our God given responsiblity. so Let's keep our eyes open and be smart. look for the opperunity to share the Glorious Gospel with th ones we see on a daily basis.
ReplyDeleteHow true. Wonderful comments.
ReplyDeleteI believe you are right Christie. It certainly seems as though things are pointing to the end times. Your words are strong and true.
ReplyDeleteGod has given you an awesome insight and sense of urgency, Christie. You have been soaking it up, now it is time to let your cup run over. Revival is very much needed. It is time to put aside differences that seed haughty behaviors like judgmentalism, gossip, slander and dissociation. Lives are not changed for the better through these types of behaviors. Our relationships must become shored up in the love of the Lord. We need to get into the words and the life of Jesus and begin living the words and the life of Jesus. We need to bring back the "golden rule" and remember to love the Lord our God above all else. Doing His will is all He asks us to do. The yoke and the burden of being more loving to all is far lighter than what the opposition offers. The way to separate from the world and be different is to continue to strive to be more loving. God is love. We need to draw from and serve the source. When we get better at fulfilling the two commandments of Jesus, we are doing the will of the Father. Thanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteNow even more than before I see the world groaning, don't you?
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comments. They always enrich me and it is good to know others are walking this with me. Blessings.