Wednesday, March 1, 2017


And Yeshua spoke with them and he said to them, “All authority has been given to me in Heaven and in the earth; in the manner in which my Father has sent me, I am sending you.” (Aramaic Bible in Plain English)

(No Mom, I am not pregnant with another child! Six is enough!)

Checking over tickets, schedules, speakers, lodging, menus, wrapping gifts, and connecting with our local Costa Rican pastors to finalize details before our departure for 8 total meetings of ministry in Costa Rica, it hardly seemed possible that I was organizing and figuring what all we could fit in carry-ons and luggage already. It seems just a couple months have passed since we last stepped foot into our Central American destination for a worship conference, men's, pastor's and women's conference this past summer of 2016.

Since June 2016, when James Keller first proposed the possibility of bringing a P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens) team down to Costa Rica, I have felt like a mother who was in awe as I anticipated the development and the future arrival of my firstborn child. These meetings God was saying to me, are much more than just a date and a word spoken. He had told us through many others who confirmed God's word to us that God was piercing the Heavens over nations and opening the floodgates of his glory on all of the earth. Costa Rica was our assignment, but not to take it lightly.

Much prayer has surrounded these months, preparation, fundraising, taking time off work for all on the team, getting paperwork and documents in order and seeking God about messages and words for this coming venture February 2017.

On the other end, much intercessory prayer, organizations, collaboration among churches, their pastors, musicians, laypeople and our driver on the ground. Miraculous labors of love and cooperation in communities.

We are so thankful for the desire of the expanse of the Kingdom of God that each pastor has had as each prayed and planned with a large vision in their hearts to do great things to see many lives impacted and changed for our wonderful God. He desires that none should perish without knowing the good news that Jesus, the son of God, came to earth to teach us himself all that was important for us to know. He came to pay the price for sin on the earth so that he could redeem us back into our rightful place to take dominion over the earth, rule over evil, and to bring God's glory wherever we go.

The PUSH team came with the blessing of Chuck Pierce, who ordained James Keller and Diana Longwell as ministers accountable to him.

James has a tender heart for all people and a lion's heart for God. There is not much he has not been through in his 35 years of ministry and 50 years of business, Humility though, and a heart that knows that God is always with him is what he carries as his treasures in life.

Diana, who has led worship and intercessory teams for over 35 years is a warrior princess in her own merit. As a former member of her worship team at Abundant Grace, I can say that she walks in purity toward her team and her leadership and taking her team and congregations with her as she worships in spirit and in truth is a rare gifting that does not go to one's head. She discerns God's direction before and during services, she is sensitive to the changes in the atmosphere and runs with it. But, she also allows others to shine when God inspires a drummer, guitarist, or a soloist to play or sing in the spirit.

The musicians- Jesse Adkins on the drums; John Walker on guitar and vocals; Dustin Wilhite on guitar; Selena Solano vocals; Diana Longwell, acoustic guitar and vocals.

Our five ministers who went out Sunday morning to four different locations were:

Eddie Luna, who ministers in prisons in South Texas, went to Jesus Maria; Doug Mears, who ministers in a half-way house and prisons in South Texas, went to a church in Grecia; Donald Williams, who has started 18 churches and pastors in South Texas, went to Grecia; and Jerry Linebarger, evangelist and Christie Krull, blogger and retired teacher, spoke at Atenas.

Part II will follow with a report about the results of this spiritual pregnancy!

Jerry Linebarger, my husband, a former pastor and now a missionary evangelist, and myself, a retired teacher, blogger, and speaker are known as Mission Costa Rica-TX.

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