In 2002, I took a job teaching English as a second language at a local middle school. One of the preps during my sixth year was a study skills course for recent immigrants. It was not just a study hall. The course I designed taught them skills to help them to be more productive in studying and helpful strategies for life as well. One week I focused on time management. At the end of the week, the students wrote a letter describing their takeaway from our activities. Most of them remarked about their realization of how much time they wasted and that they wanted to be more intentional about what they spent their days doing.
I couldn’t help but reflect on this week from my past when I read chapter nine of Matthew today. This chapter records many different activities of Jesus all in one day. When I imagined the physical energy expended, the mental acuity, and the calm and well-thought-out replies to the many who flung their critical questions at him, I marvel. Then to add to this, his emotional state as he traversed discussions, teaching, and with such compassion he continuously reached out to the hurting masses to heal their infirmities or deliver them from demonic spirits that tormented them.
In verse thirty-six, the Bible says that Jesus went through ALL the towns and villages teaching in synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing EVERY disease and sickness. He was not driving around in his Lexus, flying his jet plane, riding a horse, or even being carried around in a carriage; but he walked the dusty roads, exposed to the elements.
Jesus loved the people and had compassion for them. He ended up asking his disciples to pray for more workers because there were so many desperate people. He saw a need that far exceeded the time that he had.
Wow. All in a day’s work.
This is what Jesus asked His followers to do. Go and sin no more. Feed my sheep. He gave us the authority to drive out evil spirits in the name of Jesus. We can speak to sicknesses and tell them to leave. We can speak healing for every disease and sickness in Jesus’ name. We can tell them the good news of the kingdom of God.
These things should not be odd. They should not be something never seen before. These should be the signs that follow every believer.
When I read this chapter several times, I saw myself wanting: there is so much to do. Jesus depends on all believers to go and do the same as he did. So open my eyes Lord and remind me to see them.
These are just a few things recorded that he encountered in ONE day:
- Jesus took a boat ride back to his own town.
- Jesus came across a man who could not walk and he informed him first that his sins were forgiven, then he healed the paralytic despite being challenged by the teachers of the law
- He chatted a bit with a tax collector, then invited Matthew to follow him
- Matthew invited Jesus to come over for something to eat. His house was full of non-believers in Yahweh.
- Pharisees (religious scholars) came by and criticized him for eating with sinners, Jesus answered that the sick need a doctor, so how could he avoid them?
- Later, John’s disciples caught up to Jesus and asked him why he and his disciples didn’t practice fasting. Jesus explained that while the bridegroom was with them it is normal to feast and when he is absent, then they would fast.
- A rich ruler approached Jesus. he was a synagogue leader. His daughter was dead but full of faith he asked Jesus to raise her from the dead. Jesus told the ruler that his great faith in coming in belief would heal her. Jesus followed the ruler to his home but on the way…
- A crowd was pressing in around him. The events of the day have gotten a lot of attention. Then suddenly, Jesus felt the healing power going out of him. He asked, “Who touched me?” Then when the woman identified herself and that for years she had been bleeding without it stopping, he told her, Take heart daughter, your faith has healed you."
- Jesus encountered a crowd loudly wailing, blowing pipes, and mourning outside the ruler’s home for the dead girl. The crowd mocked Jesus for going in to heal her, but that didn’t deter him. Jesus dismissed them and simply said, "She is just sleeping." Then he went in and took the girl by the hand. She got up and went outside for all to see.
- Two blind men came to Jesus and asked him to heal them. His simple question to them was, “Do you believe that I can heal you?” He told them that according to their faith, it would be done. They both are healed.
- A man who was demon-possessed and mute was brought to Jesus. Jesus drove the demon out and the man began to speak normally. People marveled. Nothing like this had been seen before in Israel.
In verse thirty-six, the Bible says that Jesus went through ALL the towns and villages teaching in synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing EVERY disease and sickness. He was not driving around in his Lexus, flying his jet plane, riding a horse, or even being carried around in a carriage; but he walked the dusty roads, exposed to the elements.
Jesus loved the people and had compassion for them. He ended up asking his disciples to pray for more workers because there were so many desperate people. He saw a need that far exceeded the time that he had.
Wow. All in a day’s work.
This is what Jesus asked His followers to do. Go and sin no more. Feed my sheep. He gave us the authority to drive out evil spirits in the name of Jesus. We can speak to sicknesses and tell them to leave. We can speak healing for every disease and sickness in Jesus’ name. We can tell them the good news of the kingdom of God.
These things should not be odd. They should not be something never seen before. These should be the signs that follow every believer.
When I read this chapter several times, I saw myself wanting: there is so much to do. Jesus depends on all believers to go and do the same as he did. So open my eyes Lord and remind me to see them.
Matthew 9:37-38
"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few, Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."
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