Saturday, May 6, 2017


Clutching my binder to my chest, I hiked home from McCulloch Junior High making strides to get home as soon as possible. Normally, I was tempted to stop at the neighborhood drugstore to buy some Bazooka bubblegum or some other penny candy. But today, I could hardly wait to get home.

As soon as I opened the front door, I rushed up the stairs and plopped on my bed with my new yearbook clutched in my hands. I eagerly turned the pages to find the autograph section at the back. I could not wait to see who had signed my book which I passed around at school, but even more than that, to see what they had to say about me.

Fun to be around. 
A cool girl.
Have a neat summer.
Hey there.

Rather than affirmations speaking about the depth of my soul and heart, I read trivial generalities. Quite a disappointment.

Slowly, I laid the book aside. I rolled on my back and stared up at the ceiling. Tears welled up and I wondered when I would hear the words I longed to hear. That I was amazing, beautiful, a deep thinker, an encourager, full of bright ideas, or the life of the party.

I should not have been surprised. I did not spend hours talking with these kids or sharing times at their homes or mine. These were kids passing me in the hallway, sitting by me in class, practicing in choir or musicals with me. 

Today though, I have a dear friend and family who get me. They comprehend my essence, and they regularly let me know my worth to them. These insightful words are like a medicine to my soul. I cherish them.

Yet, I am more thankful for the ever present encouragement I have received through the good and bad as I have discovered how valuable I am to the Creator of the Universe. He has always been there as my source. He knows my inner beauty, and he sees my scars and weaknesses as well. Yet, he holds me tight and will never let me go.

I am.
I am loved.
I am worth loving.
I am priceless.
I am a princess.
I am a darling daughter.
I am destined for greatness.
I am love, for he is love and he is in me.
I am full of promise.
I am not the same today as yesterday.
I am better for the wear.
I am a delight.
I am a shining beacon to someone who is lost.
I am a bearer of the image of God.
I am a beauty.
I am a joy.
I am content.
I am free.

As I read Captivating again, by John and Stasi Eldridge, my eyes opened to truths that God wanted me to remember. He is so patient with me. God says so many wonderful things to me through His word and personally to me through the Holy Spirit, but it seems that I have a very short retention time for the truth concerning who I am. Thank you for the reminder.

He makes my feet like hinds feet and sets me upon my high places. Psalm 18:33 (NASB)

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