Sunday, January 15, 2023


There once was a green and orange hammock

Its striped colors stood out bright and bold

Nana unpacked, unraveled, hung it up quick

For Thanksgiving was just down the road.

The menu she wrote, then typed it all up

The groceries she shopped for and stocked

First measuring ingredients with measuring cup

Crimping crusts of pies bound for the oven, then stopped.

Resting she poured mugs of chamomile tea

Cut celery, spread cream cheese, bit with a crunch

Waving madly while hanging from two sturdy trees

Was that frolicking hammock just watching her munch.

Now the cook gazed, took note of the show

Urgently, the animated fabric continued to coax

Sensing gran's love to swing, a hammock in the know

Delighted as she walked out under the oaks.

Pulling the edge then backing into her seat

Little used, this cloth should bear her weight

Uttering a deep sigh, What a treat!

Laying down to sway; it felt great.

At first the air fresh, but with the heat of the sun

Thoughts moved from this rest, right back to her list

So the swinging gran sighed, now finished with fun

And returned to her mixing, wooden spoon in her fist.


The colors of dawn shone bright from the east

First one in the shower, then drying her hair

It’s stuffing the turkey time, the day of the feast

Cutting up the potatoes, hubby sat in a chair.

Six hours later, sage and bread filled the air

Knockings then greetings soon in streamed them all

Ate up deviled eggs, dip, chips and pickles with care

A next round, the main course with veggies piled tall.

Soon big boys came hunting along with some dads

For turkey, gravy, all that their plates could bear

Not much was left when exited the lads

The third round: pies and cream was the fare.

Adult conversations flowed and varied by group

The youngest ran upstairs for toys in their boxes

While the teens and tweens took off like a troupe

Out the back door in a flash: prancing wild foxes.

With a xeriscaped yard, and not much to do

The brightly striped hammock got their attention

Thrilled that these grands came, not just a few

Swinging began; squealing escaped from the tension.

But nobody spoke of what quite happened next

Whether play on the hammock lasted long or short

“The dog,” all sent to Nana with answers by text

Another sent video evidence, kids in riotous cavort.

Butterscotch, the bounding pup got the blame

For the useless sad hammock that day in half tore

Because she was frisky so young and not tame

For she jumped, chewed, and rough housed outdoors.

But Nana just chuckled while her husband joined in

They both loved their family and were glad for the fun

Was this the third or fourth hammock to pass? with a grin

Another great Thanksgiving feast with family was done.

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