Tuesday, September 13, 2022


I handed her the paper...

      Recently, I awoke on a Sunday morning. Even before I could stop and think about the news or anything concerning my family, I had a strong wave of anxiety and fear loom over me like a heavy cloud of doom. I could not shake it.  
     It is my custom to get up, get my shower, and prepare for church, but I had this nagging sensation about the idea of even leaving the house. I stopped to consider if it was a warning from God, but all I could think of when I asked, “Is this you, God?” Was the phrase, “Do not forsake the assembly of yourselves together.” In other words: go be with others for worship. So, I got up and headed for the shower. I prayed trying to rid myself of the negative feelings that enveloped me. Yet, the sinister thoughts still bombarded me to stay home and relax. A voice kept telling me that I deserved a break to vacate from my routine while my husband was out of the country.
     It was tempting to my flesh, especially since I am an introvert. I am comfortable in my own company and group settings tend to tire me out. This was a real struggle, but I resisted since these feelings were  unusual for me. I marched out into the garage, entered my Fiat, and drove to church.
     I sit alone most of the time anyway since my husband volunteers to work in the entry of our church, so as I looked around, I felt drawn to sit in the same row as a couple that looked like visitors. The worship began.
     The words of the worship songs soothed and comforted my troubled soul. I felt the presence of God and his encouragement that he knows all that is happening and that he is able to care for me. Nothing is getting past God’s notice, now or ever.
     God moved on the pastor to ask the congregation to come up front if they wanted prayer for healing. The woman near me stood up hesitantly and moved forward. 
     God impressed on me some words of encouragement to share with her, so I wrote them down, and at the end of the service I went to talk to her then I handed her the paper with the words I written.
     We exchanged introductions and then she read the message and tears flowed down her cheeks. She thanked me, explained she was going through a health crisis, and placed it inside her Bible.
     On my way home I recalled that I loosed peace, love, and all the fruit of the Spirit, (Galatians 5:23), as well as justice, morality, integrity, and truth, and compassion over our nation the night before. Whether the enemy attacked me that Sunday morning due to my intercession or just for me to be lazy, just look at the opportunity that I would have missed out on if I had stayed home.
     This lesson impressed on me to test my feelings to be sure I was not being led away from a good opportunity. I was grateful that I listened to God rather than being swayed by my feelings. Engaging in life fully is rich. Interacting with others around me is vital. It gives new insight, new understanding, shared experiences, and shared joys and shared burdens as well. 
     Choose to live proactively rather than reactively. Be the positive out there in the world.
     Surrender each day to God because he sees what is up ahead. He can guide with his wisdom through the ups and downs of life. With God, we can more calmly respond and get through unexpected circumstances knowing that there is a purpose here if I only trust and see through God’s lens what it is that I am there for.
     Of course, that is the ideal. Being only human, I don’t always respond perfectly, but my heart desires to be used this way because when I ask for God to show me the way, sooner or later God gets me back on track.
     I shared this today to encourage you. Embrace each day with gratitude and expectation. See what God opens up for you to experience. We are the positive change that will spread over the whole earth when we walk listening to the Spirit of God. Make a difference on this earth, one person and one conversation at a time. 

Jeremiah 29:11  NIV

I know the plans I have for you… plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Ephesians 5:1-2  NASB

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.

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