Saturday, February 6, 2021




     "I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples."               -Mother Teresa

     There are days when the car won't start; when no one gets me; when I am out of ideas; when I just feel like a little pebble in everyone's shoes. I often am amazed that I get anything meaningful done some days because I just wimp out and go from one thing to the next without finishing anything in particular. Then there are days when I run errands, get a lot of cleaning done, fix a great meal for supper, but I just feel like I have not expressed my inner self in a meaningful way.

     Inside me are so many ideas racing around and they won't behave and get organized into the books and the articles that I want to write. I am easily distracted. For so many years as a teacher I have planned lessons to the nth degree with power points to accompany them filled with links to videos to charm and bring clearer understanding to my students. I prepared activities to enhance the depth of their learning and with several preps I rolled these out at a stunning pace.

     Now that I have four days a week to let my creative "genius" leak out I find myself satisfied with the mundane tasks and errands that crowd out my quiet time when I could write.

     Today I sat at my desk to write a message for my last session of a ladies meeting that convenes a week from today, I opted to start a blog, and in starting the blog I was inspired with an idea for a children's book and that is what I wrote. It turned out well. So good for me actually writing down some ideas that wanted to get out of me, but bad for me and my lame attempt to finish my primary task. But good for me because I got the creative juices going and my best friend in turn is excited to do some sketches for the illustrations and this will take us out of our day dreams of collaboration and into the real world of making it happen. 

     Then I sit and think about all of the things going on in our country and in the world and I wonder how my little children's book, my blog, the books I have in the works but not finished, my talks to women here and there, my encouragement to my elderly parents, taking them to appointments, rocking my tiny grandson and singing abc songs with his three-year-old brother add up to inventors, soldiers out on dangerous missions...out on the high seas, CEOs, big tech, or leaders of nations, states, counties, cities, or school districts.

     Then I hear God encouraging me. He says, "Be fruitful." "Love one another." "Clothe yourselves with humility toward one another." Seek first the kingdom of God" "Encourage one another." "My thoughts and ways are not your ways." I get the hint, God. My measuring stick for productivity and contributing to society is not based on my net worth, titles after my name, being famous, saving the world, or even if I get everything on my to-do list done today.

     I have lived and loved. I have shared and smiled. I have served and provided. I have encouraged and shared truths. I have been fruitful and I hear you say that I cannot even begin to measure my worth on this earth.

     To me it seems like little pebbles dropped in a vast ocean, but in the end the ripples continue on and on and on beyond my immediate senses. So I guess this is your message back to me. Just be satisfied that each day I have shared a bit of myself, whatever that bit may be. After all, those bits will sprout and blossom into what they were meant to be if only I am true to myself and realize that I do matter in each little unique way that I am me. This is the contribution to the world that only I can give.

Psalm 8:3, 4 (ESV)

When I look at the heavens, the work of your fingers the moon and stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him...

Romans 12:2 (ESV)

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind...

Ephesians 5:1 (ESV)

Be imitators of God like beloved children.

Ephesians 2:10 (ESV)

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works...



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