Reports of angel sightings, visitations, and messages are not anything new. Drawings, paintings, sculptures, historical recordings have made it clear that angels have been here at our aid quite a bit in the past and today seemingly there is much more activity.
Dreams are one avenue that is used to give messages from angels or from God himself. There are many who are reportedly receiving more dreams than ever before and who share many that are important to release encouragement, to bring hope, or to warn people whatever the intent of the message was that was given to the dreamer.
Many times we attribute the visions, the dreaming, and the visitations as being given to prophetic voices to speak out on their platform or to their sphere of influence but I am here to tell you that God's angels surround us every day. And it's not just prophets who hear from dreams or who receive messages from angels. Any one of us could be confronted with the heavenly messengers to guide us away from danger or to guide us into a good place where we need to be in order for a connection to be made that serves a positive purpose in our lives.
When my youngest son went snorkeling with his dad all of the sudden, his gear tangled in the rebar coming out of the cement on one side nearer the campus; no matter how he struggled to get free he was only able to swim to where his head was just beneath the surface of the San Marcos River.
Running out of breath, he was resigned that drowning was imminent. Though he faced death and was totally out of breath from trying to detach himself, an uncanny peace settled in and around him. He told God that he was ready to go to heaven if it was time. Instead of drowning, a miracle occurred.
Suddenly, his lungs filled with air, he was aware that this was supernatural. His foot, which at this time he was not touching was immediately loosed from the fin. My son may not have seen angels, but they were there and rescued him from the worst possible scenario. He told me later about it as a miraculous rescue by God. I agreed.
There are numerous times when I have felt God's presence or heard him speak and know that his holy angels were with me or my children in various situations.
I was reading in Matthew 1:18-23. You know we always hear about how Mary heard from Gabriel that she would miraculously conceive the seed of the Messiah and be his mother, so an angel also appeared to Joseph in a dream and it was so real that he heard and believed that Mary had not been unfaithful or promiscuous, but that she was a virgin chosen by God to bear the Son of God, Jesus.
That is quite a life changer for this couple. She was not shamed. She was beloved, respected, and provided for. Jesus also grew up with a loving father who provided, mentored him in carpentry and as a man, and he did not grow up with people believing he was a bastard. Thus, God's plan could go forward, but he also was caring for the main players in his plan of saving mankind from the punishment of death for sin.
Yet it is recorded in the book of Matthew that there were three other times that an angel spoke to Joseph in a dream.
The second visitation was a warning telling Joseph to take his family to Egypt to escape the genocide of all the boys two years old and younger that Herod was about to command. Joseph heeded the warning and sure enough, the terrible news of the wailing of mothers and fathers over their slain tiny boys reached them and confirmed that indeed, God had warned him and saved Jesus from an untimely death.
A third time an angel appeared to Joseph and again it was in a dream. He was told that Herod was dead and it was time to return to Israel, so they headed home.
One last time, Herod was dead, but his evil son, Archelaus, took the throne. This time, the angel came in a dream and told Joseph to head for the hills of Galilee. They settled in the town of Nazareth which fulfilled the prophecy, "He shall be called a Nazarene."
Joseph never preached to multitudes or told his dreams to guide or encourage others, but he took them seriously and they brought great peace to their home and provided protection due to his obedience.
God wants to speak to us whether through the Holy Spirit teaching us as we read and meditate on the Bible. Whether a still small voice as we walk in town or are at home washing dishes. He will send messages to us at work as well. Be ready and know that God still speaks in dreams, in visitations; we need not be afraid. It is for our good and our encouragement.
Because of the dreams that Joseph experienced and heeded, Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies...all of them.
Now, we can fulfill the prophecies of Jesus. All who believe in Jesus His death on the cross for our sins, and His resurrection from the dead. We can repent and be saved from eternal damnation. We can also be filled with the Holy Spirit and do the same things Jesus did while he was on the earth and even greater things with all of our technology and God leading us.
Yea, though I walk in the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Psalm 23:4-6 NKJV
Awesome article!