Sunday, April 17, 2011


Like the dove which finds the cage door ajar and flies away
Like the prisoner who has satisfied the sentence and walks out freely
Like a butterfly captured in a child's net-then released
Like a young heifer tangled in the brush and set free

Like words of affirmation held back from our ears that finally flow our way
Like a stern look, frown, and scowl changed to joy and peaceful countenance
Like phantoms that once hid and jumped -now stalwart-transformed from fear to faith
Like cursing, verbal torment now bubbling with kindness to gently uplift

Like a raging lion quiets down after having the painful thorn removed
Like an imprisoned princess when released by a valiant knight
Like a dry, dusty, travel wearied elephant plunging into river waters
Like a staked out family dog which is released when the guests leave

Like a city under siege when the marauding bandits are defeated
Like a hot sterile desert, now watered, blooming with life and sustenance
Like a bruised, battered child who now feels the tender love and nurturing deserved all along
Like a voice which had no reason to, but sings uncontrollably with deep felt joy

It is well, it is well with my soul

1 comment:

Thank you for reading my blog and for taking the time to share your thoughts. God bless you.