Sunday, April 10, 2011


My emotions have raced like on a roller coaster for the past six months.   

My husband works so hard and to find success as a reward. My oldest son who sent off to Afghanistan, then returned safely back to his family. I watched my husband struggle with the absence of his mother after her death. I retired from a career that I love and wondered what would follow.  A new granddaughter was just born, but too far away and I have not yet held her in my arms.

I have watched my oldest daughter work, study, keep her faith, and love well through tough times. We enjoyed building stronger family ties with my middle son while he was stationed nearby for a seven months.

We almost lost a dear daughter, son-in-law, and four dear grandchildren to a faraway place, then (sigh) changes kept them nearby. I let go of my youngest daughter as she returned to minister in South Africa to reach, teach, and be a loving hand of God, then picked up the pieces from traumatic events happening to her there.

I launched my youngest son into middle school. New relationships have forged and old friendships were renewed.

I have a new awareness of injustices that I cannot ignore, so I am writing to shed light on them and educate teens.

I am spending more time to spend with family. A grandson underwent through surgery.

Now I am experiencing a new life style that demands restructuring and prioritizing.  

Change is expected, but when changes stare us in the face, well, we have the opportunity to adjust, center ourselves, and look up for a hand from God with the road map.  Better yet, rest and go with the flow and let Him carry you through.

Fight the good fight.  Change what you can.  Pray for the rest and God who can do all things well, will work in your behalf.  Keep the faith and look up. 

We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.  We are his children, and that makes us joint heirs with Jesus.  Do you even dare to think what that means to us? 

Let's begin to delight and rejoice in life.  Let us be compassionate and lift the load of a neighbor, or of a needy one afar off.  Let us be a light, the salt, and a breath of fresh air to a waiting world that needs the love of God in their midst.

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