Isaiah 42:3 NIV
3 A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will
not snuff out. In faithfulness, he will bring forth justice;
The Message version translates it a little clearer, saying:
3 He won’t brush aside the bruised and the hurt, and he won’t
disregard the small and insignificant, but he’ll steadily and firmly
set things right.
No matter what you have walked through, whatever you are experiencing now, and whatever may come your way in the future, be encouraged that God loves you. If you will only call on his name, trust in him, and repent of sins, then he will abide with you and you with him forever.
This is the hope we have. We are like the grass of the field. We wither and die eventually, but we can have the hope of spending an eternity adventuring all over universes forever and ever with our loving heavenly Father God. I give you Jesus. He has been my example and Savior. The Holy Spirit has taught, guided, and reminded me of who I am in God’s eyes. God will also remind you of your worth to him.
In this section of scripture, Isaiah wrote a message quoting what God said about himself as the Creator. I was moved by this, and I wrote the gist of it in my journal during a time of reflection. I want you all to hear and consider God’s message and evaluate your response to God.
My prayer is that you will open your mind and heart so that the Holy Spirit can speak and encourage you. Feel free to reread this and ponder the words of God given to us through the prophet Isaiah.
Isaiah 40:11-31 (In my words via The Message Bible)
God, like a caring shepherd, looks after all of the needs of his flock. He
gathers the rejected bummer lambs in his arms. He hugs them, sings to
them, and carries them so that they know that they are loved. He leads
the nursing ewes and their newborn lambs to a good pasture.
(God reminds us the stubborn, the blind, the forgetful, and the
faithful of who He is.)
WHO has scooped up the ocean in his two hands?
WHO has measured the sky between his thumb and little finger?
WHO has put the earth’s dirt in one of his baskets?
WHO has weighed each mountain and hill?
WHO could have ever told God what to do, or who could have taught
him his business?
WHAT expert would he have gone to for advice?
WHAT school would he attend to learn justice?
WHAT god do you suppose might have taught him what he knows or
showed him how things work? A man-made idol crafted from bronze,
gold, or silver? Or perhaps of olive wood making a base that will not tip
over? Really?
WHY, the nations are but a drop in the bucket: They are a mere
smudge on a window.
WATCH, he can sweep up the islands like so much dust on the floor.
THERE aren’t enough trees in Lebanon; there are not enough animals
in all of the forests to furnish adequate fuel and offerings for his
ALL nations add up to simply nothing before him.
LESS than nothing, a minus (-).
WHO even comes close to being like God?
TO WHOM OR WHAT can you compare him?
HAVE you not paid attention or listened? Haven’t you heard these
stories all of your lives?
DO you not understand the foundation of all things?
GOD sits high above the round ball of earth.
PEOPLE look like mere ants to him.
HE stretches out the skies above us like a canvas of protection, yes, like
a tent.
PRINCES and RULERS are nothing in comparison.
THEY shrivel like seeds when God blows on them. Like chaff, they are
SO…WHO is like me?
LOOK to the night skies; who made all of this?
WHO marches this army of stars out each night?
WHO counts the stars?
WHO calls them by name? So magnificent and powerful?
WHO never overlooks a single one?
WHY would you ever complain, whine, or say, “God was not here for
me. He does not care what happens to me?”
LISTEN. PAY ATTENTION! God does not come and go. He is always
looking after you.
GOD is the Creator of all that you can see or imagine.
HE does not tire or pause to catch his breath.
HE knows everything inside and out.
HE energizes those who are weary with all that this world brings into
our lives.
HE gives fresh strength and forgiveness to those who have dropped
out for a while to get up and go on.
YOUNG folk tire and drop out in their prime. They stumble and fall.
THOSE who wait upon the Lord get renewed strength.
THEY spread their wings like eagles
THEY run and don’t get tired
THEY walk and don’t lag behind.
This is my great God. He’s always been there for me, and he always will be.
That is amazing! You write so beautifully. Thank you for such insight , yes God is real!
ReplyDeleteThank you. I love this passage for its visual pictures that help to realize just how magnificent God truly is.