Wednesday, December 2, 2015


He pulls water up out of the sea, distills it, and fills up his rain-cloud cisterns. The the skies open up and pour out soaking showers on everyone. Does anyone have the slightest idea how this happens? How he arranges the clouds, how he speaks in thunder?  Just look at that lightning, his sky-filling light show illuminating the dark depths of the sea! These are symbols of his sovereignty, his generosity, his loving care. Job 36:27-31 (MSG)

I read this after going through some pretty rough storms on a trip back home from Arizona.

Written thousands of years ago, God tells Job and his friends off for blaming God for bad things going on. They over reached in questioning God's character and purposes.  

Have times changed that much? Our thinking is so warped by this materialistic, flesh pleasing culture in which instant gratification is the norm.  

The young and old cry out for justice, peace and hope. We try to understand as government collides with our liberties and basic rights.

Our government is not the only place that is cheating us, the church is losing touch with its source of effectiveness and purpose.

Church many places is about numbers, the amount of offerings, or the splashy programs to entertain and mesmerize the masses to change them into followers.  

Rituals leave us semi-satisfied, feeling that we have met an obligation. Fellowship and living in community bring the joy and fullness of synergy through interaction and true life experiences shared generating a family of believers, ready to encourage and bless one another.

Living under the guidance of the Holy Spirit is the answer to so many disillusioned believers. Sparks have been lit through the ages and fires burned where this truth struck hearts and lives.

Jesus showed us the way, but not by establishing religion and religious rituals. He told us this: 

"I will ask the Father and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever- the Spirit of truth. 
The world cannot accept, him because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives in you and will be in you." John 14:16-17 (NIV)

"But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you." John 14:26 (NIV)

I am ready for new rain of the spirit.  Bring us a rushing river of refreshing and renewal to quench the thirst within us for justice and for peace on this earth.  Bring a harvest of people who will surrender to the God of love.  

Let us see Jehovah's mighty works, beginning with my own heart. Fill me with your love for others so that I do not concern myself merely with my own comforts and desires, but rather that I desire to share the wonder of God's love with all mankind.

Rain upon me and fill me Lord with your Holy Spirit! Fill me with your truth, power, and peace. Pour your love through me. Let this new rain fall upon all who desire it. For your ways are greater than our ways.

Photo credit goes to Christian Philip Krull IV, my youngest son.

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