He will not let your foot slip- he who watches over you will not slumber; Psalm 121:3 (NIV)
Typically, I would go out under a tree near the Guadalupe River for the hour of quiet time during our ladies' retreat. A chance to listen to God is such a blessing anytime. Yet, this year, Texas was struck by monsoon weather like never before and as a result, the outdoor retreat had to be held inside the church.
Since I am distracted easily, I headed out to my car for some peace and quiet for my journalling. Initially, I looked up the verse written in my journal, which I picked from the table "at random". Psalm 121:3. God knew what I needed to hear today.
I poured out my heart as I wrote and told him what I was struggling with. Then, I listened and copied down what I heard in reply.
He said:
"Hear me loud and clear. The enemy opposed this step of selling your house to confuse you, but let me tell you, you are both RIGHT ON.
That day I gave you the verse in Ezekiel 12:3. You understood clearly that you were to pack your belongings that could fit into a suitcase and set out for another place. You heard correctly that you are to go to Costa Rica. Three things I want you to remember as you prepare these next few years.
PACK-you can take some of your belongings with you- you are not going naked or without provision for your needs. There is some sorting and prioritizing you must do. Letting go of your dream home is a huge step in letting me know you love me and my ways more than yours. You are packing and taking your trust in me to be your all in all. You are carefree to follow where I lead you.
SUITCASE-you really have to think and sort when you take a suitcase, but you know from past trips that you could have made it with far less "stuff" so pray for each item you take so you can joyfully prepare and look forward to blessed times.
EXILE-don't look back at what you left behind:
1) not at your dream home that is up for sale
2) not wondering if you should go at this time
3) not feeling guilty because of the family you are leaving behind for I will comfort and care for them all.
I am your provider. I CANNOT wait for you to freely share your gifts, my love. To see my kingdom grow and become established in a mighty and pure way in the lives that you will impact.
LOOK FORWARD WITH JOY! Look backward content to know you have planted the seed and that others will take up the slack. My angels will guard, encourage, and fight for your loved ones. They couldn't be in better hands, right?
Of course, you will miss being around to enjoy their lives, but they are happy to see you spreading your wings and living your passion and the dream I planted in your heart as a teenager. It is never too late and I have been preparing you for this exact time. YOU DID NOT MISS IT! These days you will have THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE! NOW GO! Go out with joy!
We encountered some trials. We had our beautiful home up for sale for two years with every home around us selling within a few weeks of being on the market. Here we were willing to turn our backs on everything, but when it came right down to it we didn't have to. We did not receive one offer. At first, this confused us, but then we found it amazing!
We were delighted to find out that we now travel down one to three times a year to teach and to preach. God has opened up the way for us to speak all over the country and to especially encourage pastors and their congregations to live passionately for God and to follow the example and ministry of Jesus.
Salvations, baptisms in the Spirit, healings, miracles, and always the provision for our travel, upkeep of our vehicle, and to help churches with needed repairs, new sound systems, seed money to build a new church, and gifts for orphanages have resulted.
Conferences and materials for ladies, men, worship teams, and several large crusades in cities with the united churches in each area working together.
What he does for me is not just because we go on mission trips, but it is there for each of us every day. God will provide. Follow the dreams God has put upon your heart and live out your passion.
Do not become weary of doing good. Rather, refill, renew, and replenish your strength by sitting still with our amazing God.
'Be still and know that I am God', he says to us all. Avail yourself of his presence, for he is good.
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