Wednesday, February 20, 2013


"a time to plant... a time to celebrate..."

HOODIE HOO!!!!!!!!

Yay!  It is time to get outside and kick up your heels!  Time is a wasting!  HOODIE HOO!!!!

Hoodie what?  This is a patented holiday by to celebrate officially saying goodbye to old man winter and hugging the trees as you salute the entry of colorful spring!  According to their proclamation we go out at noon on the 20th of February and wave out old man winter and salute in the new vibrant spring.

Along with the fanfare for the change of climate comes the fun of planning the new gardens.   Time to start digging into that dark garage and sorting out what to keep and what to sell or give away.  File taxes early.  Pull out those early dandelions.  Clean out your rain gutters.  Get out of your house and greet those neighbors that you rarely speak to.

Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth.  Think about the plants about to sprout and blossom all around you.  Dust yourself off and rethink those resolutions.  What progress are you making?  Did you even make any?  Well... concentrate on one thing to follow through with.

Maybe what the creation is shouting out to us during this coming exchange of the dreary for a spectacular entrance of striking beauty is that renewal and rebirth are a necessary part of this life.

Time to humble ourselves, reassess, and see just what we can shake up in ourselves to sparkle a bit more.  Kinder words, more patience, giggles and laughter, winks and responding in delight could be just a few suggestions to rekindle the magic of love and life in your surroundings. 

Clear out the clutter and concentrate on the truly important things that will nourish your relationships and then give the time to make it happen.  Whether you want to spark it up in the spiritual or natural.  You just pick one thing to concentrate on, follow through, and just see if the bounce returns in your walk and fills up your heart as well.

HOODIE HOO!!!!  Hello Spring!  Look forward to all you can make of today!

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