Sunday, March 25, 2012


"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." -Martin Luther King, Jr.

(This was taken from a Leelanau County Newsheet near 2001.  No author was given credit for this.)

 1.  Spend time with each other: do things together as a family.
 2.  Plan ahead with your family so things will happen and not just happen.
 3.  Establish a reasonable balance between outside activities, work schedules, and your family.
 4.  Talk with each other and listen carefully to understand each others viewpoint.
 5.  Show each family member consideration and appreciation, especially in everyday ways.
 6.  Respect each person--his or her ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
 7.  Develop pride in your family.
 8.  Resolve problems and conflicts in a constructive way.
 9.  Help each other and be willing to let others help you.
10. Contact and build ties with other families.
11. Take part in community affairs and use community services.
12. Develop a spiritual focus within your family.

Just some common sense ideas and reminders for a tune up, or just to tweak a good family into a great family.  God bless and get face to face with people.  Put away technology on a regular basis to keep in tune with your loved ones, and to build a strong family unit.  Stronger families are sure a great heritage to pass along to our descendants.

Listen to the lovely Miranda Lambert as she sings, THE HOUSE THAT BUILT ME.

1 comment:

  1. Jeffreys Bay is a prime surfing location in the world. The Billabong surfing competition is held here. This is the public beach where the beginners get their start. Ashlee had this scheduled for my first morning in South Africa. What a lot of fun! What a reminder that I need to get myself into shape. My will was ready, but my flesh was a little on the weak side. Ha


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