Friday, February 14, 2025



Late one Friday night in early November, my husband and I rode from a meeting in Grecia, Costa Rica, to the home where we were guests in San Ramon.  Our pastor, Gerard Montenegro, from our home church in the USA, was with us. This usually is a 40-minute drive. 

Due to so many tropical storms this year, the rains have come in a torrent with little chance of letting up due to more on the way. Tonight was no different; it was raining hard.

Another complication, a dense fog, crept over the mountains and invaded our roadway. We could see to drive through the city, but the visibility past the city lights challenged us. If you have ever driven on a two-lane highway with no shoulders beyond the lanes and no new shiny paint or reflectors to guide you, you understand what I am talking about. Compound this with darkness and curves continuing all the way home.

When traffic coming toward us rounded a corner, the the lights hit the fog and it was like a ghostly curtain was drawn, blinding us.

We crept along. Our pastor tried to lighten the mood and joked to Jerry that he needed to take good care of the husband of the pastor's wife. We chuckled nervously as Jerry gripped the wheel. He bravely pressed on through the dense soup. I prayed that soon we would turn a corner and see clearly, ending this nightmare. 

Still, Jerry drove onward, valiantly encouraging us that we would make it back just fine. God was with us.

Suddenly, near midnight, the fog cleared up. We were nearly home. Boy, were we ever relieved!

I reflected on this the following day during my quiet time. This foggy ride home seemed to me like some times in my life. Things have happened that I did not understand. Challenging situations arose that had me asking God, "Why is this happening? I just don't know why."

Immediately, this scripture came to mind: 

1 Corinthians 13:12 (MSG) We don't yet see things clearly. We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won't be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We'll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us.

Most people don't realize that when we were born, we had a death sentence hanging over our heads from sin entering the world after Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. We were doomed to death and eternal separation from God.

But while we were still sinners, God sent Jesus to be the sacrifice in our place, and through his death on the cross and resurrection from the dead, we have victory over death. We can ask for forgiveness and be saved from that penalty. 

Still, though we have a relationship and communion with God, we do not see and understand things to the degree that He does. We know some things about his nature but do not understand the depths of his love and desire to bless us. 

We humans are so short-sighted. We forget His promises. We cater to the world and the culture around us, which is pretty calloused, so we do not love and live with the depth of beauty that life initially intended to be here. 

We travel in the fog of our finite eyes and faith clinging to the words He spoke, "I will never leave you or forsake you..." and "Nothing can separate you from my love."  

Then, one day, we will break into the daylight and see everything clearly. We will be immersed in such love, joy, and peace. We will be like Him. We will see Him as He is. We will see that all the testing and trials prepared us for the glorious tasks and destiny we will forever delight in. What a glorious day!

Pastor Gerard (Gee), Christie, and Jerry. The fog riders.

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