Wednesday, March 23, 2022



Air tumbles in wave after wave over me. Gently stirring at first then suddenly whipping up dust devils.

The once silent breeze begins to howl as it races right past to greener pastures.

Particles from volcanos, the beaches, the high and low lands, the forests and jungles, a busy avenue, an alley where cardboard protects a lonely soul with only a countdown to look forward to.

Rushing on past three spent colts bedding down for the night, then sneaking in where men eagerly stack shish-kabobs while trying not to drool.

Whirling and twirling between the wheels beneath soccer moms heading out to fetch home their favorite star. A brief pause to watch and admire the happy reunions, not understanding entirely but quite aware that this ritual adds power to the earth.

An invisible gust wears a lacy dress that shows off its billowy self as it speeds through the screens.

Taking bits from here and there and dropping them in place of something new.

Drying skin and clothes that dance or maybe they are attempting to escape the pins. Stealing a cap, balloons, then sending seeds of dandelions that soar into oblivion for a new start.

Challenging a father who strikes endless matches in his fight to grill for his family. 

Then just as quickly as it all started up. All is still.

1 comment:

  1. This was summoned up one windy night at Sunset Ranch in Costa Rica. High up in the highlands near the town of Atenas I was enjoying the wind, a solitary moment of reflection, and anticipating the delicious BBQ to come. Hence, inspiration urged me to capture the moment in these words that echoed my thoughts.


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