Tuesday, March 10, 2020



     This stray branch hanging down out of symmetry on my mountain laurel tree is thanking me for not whacking it off for my preferred perfectionistic shape but rather; I've allowed it to show off the potential that was packed inside of it.
     I just wonder what we do to our children in the name of education and even home training with our approaches to clone them for higher education. 
     We classify them and sort them into boxes that we have organized in order to define them all by the perceived deficiencies we notice in them rather than allowing them to feel loved, supported, and reinforcing the fact that we delight in every aspect of their personhood. What might they turn into if we would watch them with great anticipation in all of their uniqueness to see how they will beautify and improve the world with their special endowed powers.
     I thank God for diversity. I thank Him for gazing at us with eyes full of love. No matter what we get ourselves into or how weak we seem so much of the time. Still, God is full of admiration. He knows what we are fully capable of if we would only just take Him at His word and believe all that He says about us. 
     Our Heavenly Father embraces us, the whole package (our weaknesses, inconsistencies, and oddities). He still encourages us with, “You will do wonderful things. You will be brave. You will be a light when others feel like their darkness is overwhelming because you are you. Not perfect but you. That is all I want. I want you to know that every day you are enough and reach out to others in full confidence in the beauty of your soul.”
     God spoke today to me just from an oddly pruned branch that hung down from a tree in my front yard. Look around. What is He saying to you today? Open your eyes, be still for a moment, and listen.

Ephesians 3:20 NIV 
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,

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