It was dreary outside after leaving the church.
A few sprinklings of rain kissed my neck.
My feelings were mixed after the sermon that day.
The clouds hung heavy and black.
Do I carry out plans to eat steak with this man?
Do I keep the date? Do I backtrack?
Or cut it off, today it might be right.
The clouds hung heavy and black.
I glanced at the sky, it was as if it replied.
With that ominous glare and attack.
Set my phone on the seat of my red SUV.
The clouds hung heavy and black.
The long line of cars further slowed me down.
Overthinking with time that relaxed.
Thoughts nagged me to go home and turn right around.
The clouds hung heavy and black.
The longer I knew this entrepreneur.
Uneasiness, I admit the fit’s bad.
Doubts fly like bats in my head at night.
The clouds hung heavy and black.
The lightning struck terra from high in the sky.
Underlining the answers I lack.
Thunderous booming, waves fell from above.
The clouds hung heavy and black.
I-35 was a-flood to behold.
Torrents blew blinding me; wanting to slack.
Trucks, cars, and trailers raced through.
The clouds hung heavy and black.
Then to my surprise, I flew to the right.
Floating swiftly across two of three tracks.
Out of control, nothing I could do.
The clouds hung heavy and black.
Hitting the grass, I now faced them down.
I thought this ride would be my last.
Somehow I skidded and missed every truck.
The clouds hung heavy and black.
After curious motorists stopped to inquire.
After my racing heart didn’t attack.
With closed eyes so grateful for the gift of more time.
The clouds hung heavy and black.
Slowly, so slowly, not caring how slow.
I headed for my destination.
We walked in together to order our dinner.
The clouds hung heavy and black.
No worried look, an, “Oh, too bad.”
Then changed the subject right back.
I saw clearly that moment what I needed to see.
The clouds hung heavy and black.
I rested my knife, my fork on my plate.
I looked him right in the eye.
“Is that all the better you care for my terror?”
The clouds hung heavy and black.
He asked, “What’s the matter? You need me to flatter?”
Said I, “No, but think what might’ve been.”
Those bats flapped their wings, as I felt the sting.
The clouds hung heavy and black.
Calmly I smiled and bid him goodbye.
He knew without me a saying.
The back of me leaving would be the last he’d see of me.
The clouds hung heavy and black.
Note: My seniors were struggling with their ballad project, so I brainstormed in front of them to let them see how quickly ideas could be written and in ten minutes or less that led to three and a half stanzas. I encouraged them and said just stick to it and tell your story.
So here is mine that I finished. From back when I was a single parent, dating some frogs before I found my prince.
Moral of the story... listen to those bats flying around at night. When you have doubts, there is surely a reason... do not ignore the voice of God when he pricks your conscience. It is best not to settle, but to live His best.
I very much enjoyed how you integrated the black clouds with each dilemma you faced. After reading your well-written poetry, I see no black clouds over me, only sunshine. Thank you for that!