Sunday, April 10, 2016


Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.  Psalm 145:3 (NIV)

4-9-16, 1 a.m., sitting at the BURN at Legacy Church NB where more than 50 attended for 12 hours in pursuit God's presence, I was soaking and resting in the atmosphere of worship, then all of a sudden I had the urge to write.  I had no idea what, but I took out my journal and pen and this is what came out of it.

ROAR!  I hear you ROAR!
You stir me out of my complacency
I hear your earnest desire
To find your beloved seeking
Seeking You as well as You are seeking after me
You always seek my heart
Your face as well I seek

I chase after your lovingkindness
Your everlasting love floods me
Oh, I can't contain it...yet
I come back for more
Oh my love, my love, my love, oh....

I listen when You speak softly to me
In the wee hours I wake and You're here
Waiting, watching ever patiently
Looking for my eyes to be turned
Turned toward You in eagerness
To seek your face...only yours
To seek after You and your ways
Your ways I love to follow after
I love to follow and never stray

Help me Lord...I hear the roar!

You're on your white horse coming
Come Lord...fill my oil pots again
Fill me until I can hold no more
Then come again...
                   come again...
                             come again...
                            come again...
          come again...
Come again...
Never stop-------never stop

I hear the ROAR--------I wait
I wait for your fire again
Fire fall all around, in, and throughout
Every nation waits on You
Thirsty for the cleansing fire
Purify us...a bride made ready
Ready Lord for your use bringing...
Bringing all your beloved home again

Your beloved, we will walk together
Holding hands we will shout of You
Together we will proclaim your glory
Tell the next one your story
Pray for the weak and extend a hand
Washing off the world with your word

Sending the lame off with no limp
Sending the blind off with seeing eyes
Sending the wounded off with wholeness
Wholeness that only You can give
There is nothing that can fail at your ROAR!

Oh I hear your ROAR and I shiver
I shiver in excitement at who You are
At what breaks when you are near
At what changes when you declare
Life and freedom from the curses
Curses break...lies fail at your voice

ROAR on ROAR on ROAR on and on...
I can hardly take it but
Then I can't take it to be absent
Your sweet presence is sweet honey
Dripping all over me...yes oh yes

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