Saturday, January 2, 2016


Betty and Frank Lusk, celebrating 65 years together September 2015.
I ran across these lyrics a few months ago.  As I reread them, I could hear my father singing the solo in the negro spiritual, then I heard the choir answer with the refrains.

Thanks Dad and Mom for such a rich heritage.  I love you! Happy Life in 2016!


I'm gonna tell you 'bout the coming of the judgment
Fare thee well, fare thee well
I'm gonna tell you 'bout the coming of the judgment
Fare thee well, fare thee well

There's a better day a coming, fare thee well, fare thee well
Yes there's a better day a coming, fare thee well, fare thee well

In that great gettin' up morning, fare thee well, fare thee well
In that great gettin' up morning, fare thee well, fare thee well
In that great gettin' up morning, fare thee well, fare thee well
In that great gettin' up morning, fare thee well, fare thee well

Oh preacher fold your bible, fare thee well, fare thee well
Oh preacher fold your bible, fare thee well, fare thee well
For the last souls converted, fare thee well, fare thee well
Yes for the last souls converted, fare thee well, fare thee well

Blow your trumpet Gabriel, fare thee well, fare thee well
Blow your trumpet Gabriel, fare thee well, fare thee well
Lord, how loud shall I blow it, fare thee well, fare thee well
Blow it right and calm and easy, fare thee well, fare thee well
Do not 'larm all my people, fare thee well, fare thee well
Tell them all come to the judgment, fare thee well, fare thee well

Then you see that fork of lightening, fare thee well, fare thee well
Then you hear that rumbling thunder, fare thee well, fare thee well
Then you see dem stars a falling, fare thee well, fare thee well
Then you see the world on fire, fare thee well, fare thee well
Then you see dem sinners rising, fare thee well, fare thee well
See 'em marching home for heaven, fare thee well, fare thee well

Farewell poor sinners, fare thee well, fare thee well
Farewell poor sinners, fare thee well, fare thee well

Here is a link to a choir singing the song in case you are not familiar with it.

In Dat Great Gettin Up Morning

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