Sunday, October 19, 2014


I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.  Joshua 1:3
Deposit made.  Event added to the calendar.  Great.  Now to move down my list of other bills to pay.  This was over one month ago.  

As the date drew closer, a bit of dread filled the pit of my stomach that we were not going to be able to keep our commitment to join our new friends for a short retreat along the Frio River.  

I sat and crunched the figures for the upcoming bills and there was just enough to take care of our immediate needs, but the extra amount for the one bedroom cabin in the hill country was not there.

Knowing that I needed to let the owner know ahead of time for bookings, I sat in the love seat/recliner and broached the subject with my husband.  This was all he had been talking about for quite some time and I didn't look forward to being the realist again, but after some discussion, we both agreed that we did not want to force things if all was not working out.

After canceling the cabin, I emailed our friends.  I knew they would understand.  I expressed my regrets and ended by telling them that we trusted God's timing and, "It is what it is."

The next day a young couple asked us to go with them to minister on a land mission for a seven acre property.  This was a first for us to experience one of these together, and as it is with all ministry, you pray, prepare your heart, and get ready for anything.

I woke up with a dream, which is very unusual for me.  I got up and wrote some notes so I wouldn't forget what I heard and saw in it, especially some of the lyrics of the song that I heard.  Then I sat quietly and other words came to my mind that I wrote down to share.

I knew in my heart, that this was the divine appointment for us to participate in this weekend.  Praying over that property, binding curses, and opening gates of blessing was a very healing experience for the owner.  All members of the team shared tidbits of what they heard God telling them and the pieces of the puzzle came together as four of us walked the property, and the rest prayed, sent words and pictures, as they waited on God in the house.

Thin spaces today.  

The Celtics believed that Heaven and Earth were located just three feet apart, but in some places, during certain times, there are thin spaces where you can feel His presence and perhaps you may see the face of God.  

I walked from that property today feeling as though I'd experienced one of these moments in space and time.  Close to God.  Close to who I was meant to be.

Deep peace of the running wave
Deep peace of the flowing air
Deep peace of the quiet earth
Deep peace of the shining stars
Deep peace of the Son of Peace.

(A Celtic blessing wishing the hearers to experience the presence of God.)


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