Saturday, September 28, 2013


Draw a Line in the Sand
2 Kings 18:5 (NIV)  Hezekiah trusted in the Lord, the God of Israel. No one was like him among all the kings of Judah or after him. 

     Coming from the great state of Texas, not too far from the famed Alamo, I taught Texas state history for many years, along with other courses.  
     In Texas History, I divided the students into groups to study regions, Native American tribes, settlers, cowboys, and the famous Texas Revolution against Mexico, during which we won our independence from Santa Ana.
     Several movies have been made about the men, women, and events of the Alamo.  One scene that stands out to many is when William B. Travis tells his men that no more reinforcements will be coming other than the thirty-five. He informs them that if they fight against the Mexican army, there will be no survivors.  
     Travis slowly and deliberately took out his sword and drew a line in the sand. Travis invited anyone who wanted to stay and fight to the death to cross over the line to indicate their willingness to stand firm against the enemy.
     These brave men courageously offered their lives in an attempt to weaken the troops from Mexico and slow them down. This would give General Houston the time to recruit more volunteer militia in hopes of a stand that would stall out Santa Ana.  
     A few days later, the dust settled; the battle was over.  Nearly 200 defenders of the Alamo died at the hands of the Mexicans.  Before they died, the Texans and other defenders killed over 600 out of nearly 6,000 in the Mexican army who waged the assault on the mission fortress.  
     Whittling down this enormous opposing army was quite a feat of bravery. Yet, after this battle, all across Texas, when they faced the Mexican army, the people shouted, "Remember the Alamo!" bolstering courage from the memory of these heroes.  
     Their example spurred many others to volunteer, join, fight, and remain in service until Santa Ana was captured at San Jacinto.
     In the Old Testament, there is another story about a man who stood against an army that was going to annihilate his country. Hezekiah, King of Judah, goes down in the books as quite the man of principle and faith in God. It is quite an accolade when the Bible states that there was no king in Judah like him, before or after.
     Hezekiah daily conversed with God.  He reformed his country by destroying pagan shrines, shutting down sex-related deviant religions, and stopping all infant and child sacrifices. He led by example and continued to follow God without wavering and without sin.  He kept all the commands that God gave Moses.  
     This man was special because the favor of God was on him.  Hezekiah prospered because he loved and revered God.  He experienced God's favor and was successful in WHATEVER HE ATTEMPTED TO DO!  Not many have this written down in their bio.
     This one time stands out: Hezekiah rebelled against Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Hezekiah refused to continue paying tributes to Assyria. He knew that Israel (the northern kingdom) and Samaria were attacked by the Assyrians, and their people were taken into captivity and then deported into Assyria to assimilate into the pagan culture to prevent another uprising.  
     Israel, over and over, fell away and was disobedient to God. Over and over, they fell into idolatry and refused to respond to God's warnings and his expressions of love for them.  
     The attacks on Israel and Samaria occurred in Hezekiah's 6th year as king of Judah (the southern kingdom).
     Eight years later, Sennacherib attacked all the cities of Judah to collect the tribute owed over the years. Hezekiah went into the temple in Jerusalem and emptied the treasury of silver and gold to comply. He even removed the golden doors from the temple to appease the Assyrians and prevent the slaughter of his kingdom.  
     The Assyrians' field commander, Lachish, visited Hezekiah and his advisors. He delivered a message that all of Judah would still be destroyed.  He even turned and yelled in Hebrew so that all the people could understand. In an attempt to divide and weaken Hezekiah's influence, Lachish spoke to the people of Judah and declared that Hezekiah's God would not be able to deliver them from the sword!  He recounted how no god of a conquered country had delivered them from the powerful Assyrian army, and certainly, Judah's God would be no different. 
     The Assyrian commander next promised that each family would own their own plot of land with grape vines, fig trees, and cisterns if only the people would separate themselves from their king and make peace with the king of Assyria.
     Before the enemy came into the kingdom, the people had been told by their good king, Hezekiah, not to say a word in response to the Assyrians when they spoke.  Amazingly, not one person made a reply, not even with all of these tempting "carrots" that were dangled to tempt them to betray their God and their king. 
     Upon hearing these accusations against God and his power, King Hezekiah tore his robes and put on sackcloth.  He went directly into the temple and cried out to God. He asked Him to strike out at the Assyrians for disrespect and ignorance.  He implored God to defend Himself from the insults of the Assyrians to demonstrate that Jehovah was indeed the one true God.
     Notice that Hezekiah did not pray for peace or safety. Rather, he prayed that God would show up in all of his glory and prove that the foolish talk of God's powerlessness was rubbish.
     The prophet Isaiah also received a long prophecy from God.  In the first part, God declared who He was. Then, the second part was directed toward the Assyrians.  God heard their insolence and would put a hook in their noses.  
     Concerning the siege, the prophet declared that no Assyrian arrow would even be shot into the city.  The enemy would not enter the city.  God had declared that he would defend the whole city and save it from ruin. 
     The line was drawn in the sand. Hezekiah and Isaiah inflamed the Assyrians with their refusal to surrender. But they remained firm in their trust and faith in their magnificent God. When the circumstances were screaming, "Disaster!" God gave them a view of the greater reality, and peace reigned in their hearts.
     That night, the people of Judah went to sleep. Just ONE ANGEL of God was sent during the night to attack the Assyrians! It only took one angel to destroy 185,000 of this invading army.  
     The next morning, the city awoke to find the thousands of Assyrian corpses in the Assyrian camp. What a glorious deliverance. Fabulous!
     So, whatever you face today, stand with the one true God who loves and protects those who believe and stay in fellowship with God.  
     Today, draw the line in the sand. When the enemy tries to get you to doubt or give up, cross the line courageously-- never looking back. Be loyal, and you will prosper with a sound mind, balanced emotions, a sound body, and an empowered spirit.  
     No matter what seems to be staring you in the face, all hell may be breaking loose, and there is no conceivable way out. Remember God's faithfulness. Pray that this world will see God's kingdom come on this Earth and His will done by us, just like in Heaven!  

YouTube link for drawing a line in the sand at the Alamo-
**Read more about Hezekiah in 2 Kings chapters 18-20. 

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