Thursday, January 26, 2012


Resolutions are good intentions and some years I let them drop off just after a couple of weeks of my lame attempts to change.  Then, in later years they became goals to be worked at and achieved, so not to worry if perfection was not accomplished every day.  I learned that they worked much better when they were thoughtfully created in a time of meditation, reflection, and sometimes in prayer.  After a self-inventory, realizing a lack in areas I set out to touch up, fix up, or to stop the procrastination by becoming more of the person that God created me to be.

Separating my thinking from worldly thought is not easy, but by taking the time to get outside of myself,  to see it from a better perspective, I find that I am actually beginning to weave in pieces that make the tapestry of my life absolutely stunning.  The little effort to love more, give more, prioritize, focus on developing my talents and gifts, as well as sharing them with neighbors adds to the zest of life.  I wouldn't have it any other way.

So, I stumble around here and there.  So, I don't always get it right.  So, I am not a world icon or known by every tabloid (thank goodness for privacy).  Lovely times here and there, funny moments, silly, capable, clumsy, perfection, rejection, acceptance, no clue, all the answers, melted in God's presence, it all just depends on which day I reflect on.  This perfect gift of a new day gives me more reason to resolve... to walk out this fresh start now before my Heavenly king.

I stand alone and breathe in His glory.  This in itself gives me reason to resolve and to aspire to mirror the warm liquid love that surrounds me now.  I feel his delight when I dance, sing, hug, encourage, plead for God's mercy, trust, give, paint, create culinary masterpieces, write, laugh and play with  grandchildren, root for my son's team playing basketball, share endearing words with my loved ones, or even work to stay healthy and keep my shape in tact.  He inspires beauty and greatness in me each time I get a glimpse of my true kingdom and home.

Resolutions?  Yes, I resolve to daily be conformed and transformed by the renewing of my thinking and what follows will be the actions brought on that hopefully reflect the heart felt ideas that are birthed each day in his presence.  I resolve to continue to allow my life to blossom and change in contour and dimension until I reach the point of entry into my eternal kingdom with my Lord.

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