Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Thanks for your comments.  I appreciate the feedback.  I am getting my wobbly writing legs going here and one day I will write my first mediocre book. 

I read from another blogger who does gets published that I need to write my first bad book, then put it down for a while, come back and rewrite and edit about ten times before showing it to anyone... then show it and listen to the critique: learn from it.  Then write a better second book.

Now, I just am pondering, brain-storming, making notes, writing blogs, and as soon as I clean out my classroom I will begin in earnest to search for a story that is waiting to be told.

1 comment:

  1. Waiting, with much anticipation, until you get that classroom cleaned out. Let your light shine. You wear your heart well.


Thank you for reading my blog and for taking the time to share your thoughts. God bless you.