Positively good news and energizing meditations that will draw you closer to God; your father and creator.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Dream and Live Your Life
Monday, May 16, 2011
Brave at Heart
"You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore." - Christopher Columbus
Imagine the courage it took for Columbus to actually set out to sail directly to the west, in the day that people thought the world was flat and if they went too far, there would be a huge drop-off.
Imagine walking in marches for equality, knowing that as you leave the bus or while in the street you may be clubbed and jailed.
Imagine standing and silently praying or passing out pamphlets to young women before they entered an abortion clinic, trying to save them from a lifetime of guilt, as well as the life of the baby, and being the mother of three young children as well as a pastor's wife who is thrown in jail.
Imagine refusing to get out of your seat on a bus and seeing jail time because you believed that you were just as precious with your beautiful chocolate skin as the others who insisted on taking your place.
Imagine taking all of your land, your home, and your finances and investing them all in a cause of freedom from tyranny, the colonies vs. England, which at the time was the greatest military power on the planet.
Imagine that these people all had a choice to walk in fear, think of their losses, and could have backed down. Where would we be without hospital reform, prison reform, child labor laws reform, meat packing reform, asylum reform, church reform, or women having the right to vote?
Are these people special, and destined, or were they just like us? I think that they were just like us. They had a faith in God. They had the same God as we do. But...they moved to make a statement, a change, with an urgency to do what God gave them to do. No fear. Only trusted Him.
Imagine the next time God has you in a situation where a timely word could make a difference in someone's life. Make the move of love and compassion. Care about their souls. Care about the condition they are in. Reach out beyond your comfort zone and just find out how big your God is.
That is my challenge to me. I just thought you might want to take it up, too. Brave at heart. I like that. Lord, help me push beyond the easy and go straight on through the tough stuff and into your heart. The brave and the free. I want to live free.
John 8:36
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Thanks for your comments. I appreciate the feedback. I am getting my wobbly writing legs going here and one day I will write my first mediocre book.
I read from another blogger who does gets published that I need to write my first bad book, then put it down for a while, come back and rewrite and edit about ten times before showing it to anyone... then show it and listen to the critique: learn from it. Then write a better second book.
Now, I just am pondering, brain-storming, making notes, writing blogs, and as soon as I clean out my classroom I will begin in earnest to search for a story that is waiting to be told.
I think I will have a sense of things that are beyond my reach now due to the scarring that comes from dwelling on this Earth. The knowledge will be there. I will just know when we are close to crossing the boundaries.
More than that, His aura of love will be so strong that there will be no desire to be anything outside of who He is...perfect love. It will just be so desirable and so contagious that with no questions or instructions needed, swallowed up in His goodness... I'll just know.
Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. I John 3:2
Monday, May 2, 2011
It is sad when any person dies without a knowledge of Jesus and with hell as a prospect. Many have attempted to work the diplomatic, pacifist route and innocents still have been killed, tortured, families destroyed, etc.
If we met him with that attitude in the spiritual state he has been in the past decade, a man from the USA may have been sacrificed for his beliefs. I might have been raped and made a slave. He was possessed, and that part is sad. He did not find his deliverer in time to change his destination.
Yes, we should show proper dignity for his death. I agree, but too many remember the undignified tapes mocking the deaths of many innocent in New York and the Pentagon as well as Pennsylvania.
God is not a God of violence, but he will come back on a white horse as the conqueror over the demonic hosts that have terrorized this planet. They will be destroyed and all of their followers, no holds barred. He is also a God of justice.
There is a point where we as humans can choose to step out of the boundaries of grace and we are left without the Lord's protection due to our blasphemy.
That, sadly, left us with no choice, but to remove this evil man from doing more damage all over the world.
I pray for deliverance from evil in the Lord's prayer. Sometimes the angels stop the evil and sometimes our warriors have to do the job.
I am thankful for the brave men who risked their lives, who cannot live with their families because of their secretive existence to protect us. I am thankful that we still can live in this bastion of freedom here in the United States, but I do pray that we would regain reverence for life, reverence for God, and that we would put God on the throne again rather than our own selfish entertainment and desires.
Yes, I would love to see the millennium come to Earth today. We have a little more time to wait, but we can each one live a life pleasing to God regardless until that day comes. Some are teachers, some are preachers, some are businessmen, some are housewives, some are prophets, some are healers, and some are defenders of the weak and the defenseless. My thanks to the defenders who are working for freedom.